Was ist unser Auftrag?

Wir wollen helfen und eine bessere Welt schaffen

IOrganisational Profile

Who we are

Help for Friends – Zambia is an NGO founded and based in Germany in November 2020. It was started by a group of Germans who have previously been posted as volunteers to, or have been living in Zambia and still feel connected to the country and its people. 


Our purpose

Help for Friends – Zambia wants to provide different kinds of support to local Zambian civil society organisations that work in the fields of 

  • Arts & culture 
  • Education & (school) sports
  • Nature conservation & sustainable natural resources management
  • Environmental education & healthy nutrition
  • Climate protection, adaptation & advocacy

How we work

Help for Friends – Zambia sees itself as a “helping friend” to its Zambian civil society partners (local groups or organisations), not as the initiator of new projects/ organisations. Hence, we are not the primary decision-makers in the organisations and projects we partner with. Instead, we offer technical, strategic, management or grant writing expertise & skills as consultants and (remote) service providers (e. g. proposal writing, administrative work, researching, facilitating networks) as well as small-scale financial support or in-kind donations, depending on what our own resources may allow. We believe that this approach will support Zambian civil society in not only tackling the concrete problems addressed by a project, but also increase local empowerment & grassroots governance of development activities in Zambia.


Who we are looking for as partners

If you are a 

  • Zambian-based organisation or group 
  • addressing any one or several of the above mentioned fields, 
  • regardless of your registration status, but with some kind of collective decision-making 
  • and you have a concrete project, activity, or need that you need help/support with,

please contact us by e-mail, Whatsapp or Facebook messenger. We are looking forward to hearing from you and your ideas!

Leseprojekt Sinazongwe

Kaluli Development Foundation (KDF) ist eine sambische NGO, die soziale, wirtschaftliche und ökologische Entwicklung im Zambezi-Valley, nahe des Lake Kariba, unterstützt. Zu ihren Hauptschwerpunkten zählen zum einen, die Vermittlung von nachhaltigen landwirtschaftlichen Methoden und Ernährung und zum anderen die Unterstützung von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus der Region. Unter diesen Schwerpunkt fällt auch das Jugendzentrum (Youth Friendly Centre), welches von KDF betrieben wird. Zusammen mit dem Jugendzentrum planen wir ein Alphabetisierungs-Projekt. Dieses Projekt soll sich insbesondere an die Personen richten, die nicht mehr zur Schule gehen und nicht oder nicht gut lesen .